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Irish Studies in Wuppertal
Irish Studies Wuppertal is an Irish Studies Centre under the umbrella of EFACIS, the European Federation of Associations and Centres of Irish Studies. We aim to research, teach and promote all aspects of the society, culture and literature of Ireland, Northern Ireland, and the Irish diaspora in European and global contexts.
The Wuppertal tradition of Irish Studies reached a first climax when Heinz Kosok hosted the first IASIL (then: IASAIL) conference in Germany in 1981 and served as the president of IASIL, the International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures, from 1982-1985. Together with Rüdiger Imhof, professor Kosok encouraged and supervised the work of a new generation of German scholars dedicating themselves to Irish Studies.
One of their legacies is the Walter Macken Archive, which was purchased by the university library in 1977 and comprises an extensive number of typescripts of Macken's published and unpublished works and a plethora of other Macken-related sources.
Current research interests focus on Romantic Ireland, mid-twentieth-century Irish fiction and drama, as well as contemporary Irish literature and culture. We closely cooperate with EFACIS, IASIL and the Center for Narrative Research at the University of Wuppertal and maintain active links with Irish Studies Centres and researchers worldwide.
Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Gebäude O, Ebene 9
Gaußstraße 20
42119 Wuppertal
Prof. Dr. Katharina Rennhak