Fakultät für Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften

Summer Semester 2024

Contemporary Irish Women Writers: Fiction, Poetry and Prose Prof. Dr. Katharina Rennhak Advanced Seminar
Realism and Romance: Irish Short Fiction of the Nineteenth Century Prof. Dr. Katharina Rennhak Advanced Seminar
Critical Theory: Bram Stoker's Dracula Prof. Dr. Katharina Rennhak Lecture Course
Critical Theory: Bram Stoker's Dracula Dr. Sarah Link Seminar
Narrating Ireland's Future Dr. Sarah Link Seminar
Exploring Irish Motherhood across Genres Eva Kerski Seminar

Winter Semester 2023/24

Irish New Woman Fiction Prof. Dr. Katharina Rennhak Advanced Seminar
Narrating the Irish Family in the Twenty-First Century Prof. Dr. Katharina Rennhak Advanced Seminar
The Historical Novel Dr. Sarah Link Seminar
Irish Women Playwrights Eva Kerski Seminar
Contemporary Ireland Prof. Dr. Katharina Rennhak Cultural and Media Studies
Irish Motherhood Eva Kerski Cultural and Media Studies
UK and Ireland: Culture and Society Alison McIlwaine Cultural Studies
Irish Culture and Society Marie O'Neill Cultural Studies

Summer Semester 2023

Narrating "the Troubles" in Women Writers' Fiction from the 1970s to the 2020s Prof. Dr. Katharina Rennhak Advanced Seminar
Women Writers' Fiction of the Long Irish Nineteenth Century Prof. Dr. Katharina Rennhak Lecture Course
British and Irish Sensation Fiction Dr. Sarah Link Seminar
Irish Culture and Society Marie O'Neill Cultural Studies

Winter Semester 2022/23

Irish Victorian Fiction Prof. Dr. Katharina Rennhak Advanced Seminar
British and Irish Victorian Fiction Prof. Dr. Katharina Rennhak Lecture Course
Negotiating Social Divisions in Contemporary Northern Irish Drama Prof. Dr. Sandra Heinen Seminar
Victorian Gothic Fiction Dr. Carolin Gebauer Seminar
The Irish Border in Film and Fiction Sarah Link Seminar
Critical Theory: Bram Stoker's Dracula Prof. Dr. Katharina Rennhak Critical Theory
UK and Ireland: Culture and Society Alison McIlwaine Cultural Studies

Summer Semester 2022

The Weird and the Eerie in Recent Short Fiction Katharina Kalthoff Seminar
Critical Theory: Bram Stoker's Dracula Saskia Neugebauer Critical Theory

Winter Semester 2021/22

Writing the Irish Revival Prof. Dr. Lance Pettitt Lecture Course
The Border in Irish Writing, Film and Culture Prof. Dr. Lance Pettitt Advanced Seminar
Irish Women Writing Men Prof. Dr. Katharina Rennhak Advanced Seminar
Irish Stories of Migration Prof. Dr. Katharina Rennhak Seminar
Irish Romanticism Sarah Link Seminar
Screening Ireland: Film and TV Representation Prof. Dr. Lance Pettitt Cultural and Media Studies
UK and Ireland: Culture and Society Alison McIlwaine Cultural Studies

Summer Semester 2021

Narrative Traditions and Innovations in the Contemporary Irish Novel Prof. Dr. Katharina Rennhak Advanced Seminar
Great Irish Novels of the 21st Century Prof. Dr. Katharina Rennhak Lecture Course
Irish Motherhood Eva Kerski Cultural and Media Studies

Winter Semester 2020/21

Contemporary Irish and Northern Irish Fiction and Prose in Context Prof. Dr. Katharina Rennhak Lecture Course
Irish Border Fictions Prof. Dr. Katharina Rennhak Advanced Seminar
Narrating Contemporary Ireland and Northern Ireland in Short Fiction Prof. Dr. Katharina Rennhak Seminar
UK and Ireland: Culture and Society Alison McIlwaine Cultural Studies

Summer Semester 2020

Contemporary Northern Irish Fiction Prof. Dr. Katharina Rennhak Advanced Seminar
Irish Drama in the Twentieth Century Eva Kerski Seminar

Winter Semester 2019/20

Irish Short Story Cycles and Composite Novels Prof. Dr. Katharina Rennhak Advanced Seminar
Irish Short Stories from George Moore to Melatu Uche Okorie Prof. Dr. Katharina Rennhak Seminar
The United Kingdom and Ireland: Culture and Society Alison McIlwaine Cultural Studies
Literary and Cultural Perspectives on the Northern Irish Conflict Anna Hanrahan Cultural and Media Studies

Summer Semester 2019

Girls and Young Female Adults in 21st-Century Irish and Northern Irish Fiction Prof. Dr. Katharina Rennhak Advanced Seminar
Irish Identity and Irish Drama Anna Hanrahan Seminar

Winter Semester 2018/19

Contemporary Irish Women Writers Prof. Dr. Katharina Rennhak Advanced Seminar
Irish Literature in Context Prof. Dr. Katharina Rennhak Lecture Course
The United Kingdom and Ireland: Culture and Society Alison McIlwaine Cultural Studies

Summer Semester 2018

Sebastian Barry and Anne Enright: Irish Families / Irish Histories Prof. Dr. Katharina Rennhak Advanced Seminar
Irish Women Playwrights Anna Hanrahan Seminar
Working with Archival Material: Walter Macken’s Dramatic Texts and the Wuppertal Macken Papers Eva Kerski Seminar

Winter Semester 2017/18

Garbage in Modern British and Irish Poetry Daniel Becker Seminar
The United Kingdom and Ireland: Culture and Society Alison McIlwaine Cultural Studies

Summer Semester 2017

Twentieth Century Irish Drama Eva Kerski Seminar

Winter Semester 2016/17

Women and Exile in Contemporary Irish Fiction Prof. Dr. Katharina Rennhak Advanced Seminar
Irish Short Story Cycles of the 20th and 21st Century Prof. Dr. Katharina Rennhak Advanced Seminar
Narrative Economies of the 19th Century: British and Irish Literature and Culture Prof. Dr. Katharina Rennhak Lecture Course
Contemporary Irish Drama Anna Hanrahan Seminar
Adventures in Paper-Space: Anglo-Irish Experimental Fiction Dr. Daniel Schäbler Seminar

Summer Semester 2016

Irish Historical Fiction from Macken to Doyle Prof. Dr. Katharina Rennhak Lecture Course

Winter Semester 2015/16

From the 1916 Easter Rising to Irish Independence Prof. Dr. Katharina Rennhak Advanced Seminar
Imagined Communities in British and Irish Historical Fiction Prof. Dr. Katharina Rennhak Lecture Course

Summer Semester 2015

Narrating Austerity Ireland Prof. Dr. Katharina Rennhak Advanced Seminar
Three Novels of the Irish Famine Prof. Dr. Katharina Rennhak Advanced Seminar
Projecting Ireland: Political Violence Prof. Dr. Katharina Rennhak Cultural and Media Studies

Winter Semester 2014/15

Irish Novels in Context Prof. Dr. Katharina Rennhak Lecture Course
Samuel Beckett Daniel Becker Seminar
Irish-American History in William Kennedy's Postmodern Novels Lukas Preuß Seminar
Celtic Tiger Ireland Anna Hanrahan Cultural and Media Studies