"Into Europe: Ireland and the EU, 1973-2023"
"Into Europe: Ireland and the EU, 1973-2023" is a touring exhibition commissioned by the Royal Irish Academy. It consists of 12 thematic panels which focus on various aspects of Ireland’s relationship with the European Union. The exhibition will be on display at the University Library of the University of Wuppertal from 22 November to 5 December.
Welcome Addresses
Uwe Stadler, Director of the Wuppertal University Library
Prof. Dr. Ursula Kocher, Dean of the School of Humanities
Official Opening of the Exhibition
Sarah Dooley, Consul at the Irish Embassy in Berlin
Readings and Music
Anna Georgiadou reads from Martina Devlin, “Here be Dragons” (from: EFACIS Kaleidoscope2)
Charlotte Daun plays “Lord Mayo” und “The Swallow Jig” on the harp
Birim Yildiz reads from Martina Devlin, “Here be Dragons” (from: EFACIS Kaleidoscope2)
10-Minute Mini-Talk
Prof. Dr. Katharina Rennhak, “Irish Studies in Europe Today”
Readings and Music
Motomu Hanada reads from Pat Boran, “The Meaning (and Sound) of Europe”
(from: EFACIS Kaleidoscope2)
Charlotte Daun plays “Niel Gow’s Lament” on the harp
Wine and Cheese Reception
Guests are very welcome!