Prof. Katharina Rennhak re-elected president of EFACIS

The European Federation of Associations and Centres of Irish Studies (EFACIS) is an international non-profit association under Belgian law, based in the historic Irish College in Leuven. EFACIS differs from many other academic societies in its particular cultural commitment and aim to combine research, teaching and Irish culture wherever possible. In addition to individual members, EFACIS includes the major national Irish Studies associations in Europe, such as the French Society for Irish Studies (SOFEIR), the Spanish Association for Irish Studies (AEDEI) and the Nordic Irish Studies Network (NISN), as well as some 50 academic Irish Studies centres and institutes at universities in more than 20 European countries. EFACIS is supported by the Department of Foreign Affairs, Culture Ireland and the Arts Council of Northern Ireland, among others.
Further information on EFACIS and EFACIS projects, such as the academic journal RISE: Review of Irish Studies in Europe, the EFACIS Irish Itinerary Podcast, the EFACIS international translation projects and the EFACIS Book Club, can be found here