Reading with Jan Carson
Reading with Jan Carson at SWANE Café
As part of the Irish Itinerary 2025, Northern Irish writer Jan Carson will visit Wuppertal and read from her…
Reading with Jan Carson
As part of the Irish Itinerary 2025, Northern Irish writer Jan Carson will visit Wuppertal and read from her…
On November 5, the the Zeitgeistirland24 project, in collaboration with Irish Studies Wuppertal, will bring the music ensemble Tale of the Gael to…
Der Book Club für Studierende aus der Anglistik/Amerikanistik startet in die nächste Runde. Im Wintersemester treffen wir uns an drei Mittwochabenden,…
Join these two award-winning Irish poets for a discussion on the themes, preoccupations and obsessions which form their work. A frank and open…
As part of their Zeitgeist Irland 24 Reading Tour, two award-winning Irish poets will visit…
Helen Cullen was born in Ireland and, living near London, often returns to Ireland to write. Her novels explore the complexity of human emotion, from…
join us for the
Launch of Review of Irish Studies in Europe 6.2
Perspectives on the Irish Border
edited by Sandra Heinen, Sylvie Mikowski, Lance…
"Into Europe: Ireland and the EU, 1973-2023" is a touring exhibition commissioned by the Royal Irish Academy. It consists of 12 thematic panels which…
On November, 22, 2023, Maureen O'Connor will visit the University of Wuppertal for a guest lecture titled "Irish First-Wave Feminists and the…
Die im Wissenschaftlichen Verlag Trier (WVT) erscheinende „Schriftenreihe Literaturwissenschaft“ ist fast so alt wie die 1972 gegründete Bergische…